What’s this about 4-Plexes in Minneapolis?

Homes with Rebates

Comprehensive Planning Process Catches Increased Attention

The city of Minneapolis is in the process of completing its ‘Minneapolis 2040’ draft Comprehensive Plan. The plan will shape how the city will grow and change. The draft covers topics such as housing, job access, the design of new buildings and how we use our streets. While comprehensive plans do always attempt to engage the public, they are not generally controversial or create too much buzz; however, that is not case this year in Minneapolis.

A proposal inside the draft comprehensive plan stirred strong feelings. The Star Tribune broke the story on March 7th, Minneapolis leaders consider allowing fourplexes citywide to relieve housing shortage.  The proposal is whether or not to allow more density on residential lots, allowing fourplexes no taller than 2.5 stories be allowed on all residential lots. The proposal was received positivity by members of a grassroots organization in Minneapolis called Neighbors For More Neighbors, while other individuals and groups sought to down play the idea of fourplexes on every residential lot. Mayor Frey was asked about the proposal by Mary McGuire on WCCO CBS news hour television interview and he had this to say,

“Right now, you are able to knock down a small single family dwelling home and build up a mansion,” the mayor said Sunday. “I think right now is the time to have the conversation, we shouldn’t be drop-kicking a significant item before we have talked about it.”

The mayors comment regarding ‘drop-kicking’ was a reaction to strong reactions against the proposal. The takeaway is it will remain in the plan for now, so that it can be discussed. The Minneapolis Area Association of REALTORS® Government Affairs Committee will continue to follow this issue and discuss it in committee meetings. Public input is being sought through July 22, 2018 as part of the regular Comprehensive Planning Process.

To learn more about the plan, sign-up for updates, or to comment on the plan click here: https://minneapolis2040.com/

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