It’s official. Yesterday, Southeast Minnesota REALTORS (SEMR) signed papers to merge its MLS operations with NorthstarMLS, and our president, Kath Hammerseng was there with pen in hand. All SEMR members—approximately 1,000—will use NorthstarMLS as their primary MLS. The conversion of all SEMR members and their listings from their current MLS to NorthstarMLS is targeted to be completed mid-November.
“This is great for members and brokers because we can better serve our clients when our information is more consistent and accessible,” said President Kath Hammerseng. “And, it eliminates the necessity to pay for more than one MLS service.”
According to NorthstarMLS, benefits include:
Agents and appraisers (and their clients) will have access to all listings in our combined region, including offers of cooperation and compensation.
Brokers, agents and appraisers belonging to two Associations to access both SEMR and NorthstarMLS listings will now be able to access all listings through a single Association membership, saving costs and eliminating double listing input into two systems.
New MLS data fields and enhanced existing fields to accommodate greater Minnesota needs and benefiting all NorthstarMLS users.
Greater cooperation between brokers and agents across the State, directly benefiting buyers and sellers.
A positive example to all Associations in the State of how well greater collaboration between MLS’s benefits all brokers and agents, whether through participation in the Regional, or simply operating from a common data platform.
SEMR members will benefit from the latest innovations and technologies including Infosparks, Remine, TLC, TrustFunds, MyFloodStatus, etc. —tools that help drive productivity and profitability.
SEMR has been approved as a shareholder by current shareholders—Minneapolis Area REALTORS® and Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS®. As a shareholder, SEMR will have a seat on our Board of Directors.
We look forward to SEMR being part of the NorthStarMLS community and better serve Minnesota.
Click here to read more and see photos on NorthstarMLS.
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