A REALTOR® Member who has held membership in the National Association as a REALTOR®, REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, or both, for a cumulative period of forty (40) years is eligible for REALTOR® Emeritus status.
In addition to the forty (40) years of membership, a REALTOR® Emeritus candidate member must also have completed at least one (1) year of service at the National Association level. However, for applications filed through 2019, the one (1) year service requirement may also be met through service at the state or local level. This provision will sunset at the end of 2019.
Upon approval of an application for REALTOR® Emeritus by the Board of Directors of the National Association of REALTORS®, no further payment of dues to the National Association is necessary by the member association of which the REALTOR® Emeritus is a member. Please note that the dues waiver does not take effect until the dues year immediately following the Board of Directors’ approval. In addition, REALTOR® Emeritus Members are exempt from the Code of Ethics Training requirement.